The idea of catching light to me is a metaphor relating to photographing something we can see. To make a photograph requires the use of some form of camera and a light sensitive medium such as film to capture light we are seeing with our eyes with a photograph. Since you never know when an image you wish to capture would appear means that you need to have a camera with you at all times. For many a cell phone users this is not an issue. since camera capable cell phones came onto the market. Although somewhat limited these cell phone cameras do a reasonable job. I attempt to have one of my cameras with me at all times whenever I leave home. I pack a compact point and shoot camera in my attaché case. It is an 10 mega pixel camera with optical zoom.It has a built-in flash allowing it to be used to photograph images in low light.
On a beautiful autumn end of the day as I left the

The lesson of this post is that to take advantage of whatever photographic opportunity that may come your way by having your camera at the ready at all times. When photographers say they got a "lucky shot" what they really mean is that the photo composition presented itself and being prepared they were able to make the photo. It has been my personal experience that I have missed out on many occasion for a photo op because I did not have a camera with me. Now I try to make sure that is not the case. However, I pretty much have my cell phone with me at all times and have taken some photos with it but I prefer one of my cameras to be with me at all times because of their flexibility and increased capabilities. Be prepared and you will never be sorry. One day you too may be able to boast of that great "lucky shot" you managed to capture.
[Recently edited update to previously published blog post]
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